Il PdCI nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese

Il saluto portato da Maurizio Musolino a nome della delegazione dei partiti comunisti dell’Europa occidentale che in questi giorni sta visitando realtà economiche e sociali della Cina, ospite del Partito comunista cinese.

L’intervento di Maurizio Musolino – che insieme a Luigi Marino rappresenta il Pdci nella delegazione europea – è stato letto in occasione dell’incontro con Cai Qi, che rappresentava l’Assemblea popolare della provincia di Zhejiang (oltre 50 milioni di abitanti, situata nel sud est del Paese asiatico).

Dear camerade Cai Qi thank you for the information abaut this region. This information are very important for us. First of all, on behalf of the delegation, I warmly thank CPC for the great opportunity to living these days in China. An extraordinary experience to understand Chinese reality.

I very much thank at people assemble and the CPC Provincial Committee Zhejang for the wonderful hospitality. And I express a special thank to the comrades of CPC Foreign Department.

For the Party of thr Italian Communist these experience was very important for consolidate our ideological and concrete comprehension of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. We had the opportunity to see the changes and the developments for the workers and for all the Chinese people. Nowadays China rise up as a great country in the world. According with these situation the Party of the Italian Communists consider China as main player in re-starting history, against those of the thinking the end of history with the definitive success of Usa and capitalism.

Anyway, we think that there are no parties-leader in the international communist movement and that the Chinese economical and political model is not exportable. We agree, in fact, with the four principles of the CPC for party-to-party relations: independence, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in other parties’ internal affairs.

In this way, during our next National Congress, we want to strengthen the relationship and friendship between PdCI and CPC.

I take two more minutes to make brief remarks on what happens in Europe.

In Europe there have been many protests against the stringent economic policies imposed by the EU and adopted by many European countries. The most important protests were in Greece et in Portugal, the largest of which led by comrades of the KKE and PCP. The peoples of Europe are beginning to understand the need to rise up.

The EU institutions and national governments, however, appear to be resistant to any kind of protest.

The level of class struggle, moreover, is still inadequate. We hope the mobilization of all European workers, but this is made impossible by the weak coordination of trade unions and parties at continental level. The State level is still the most important to promote the success of the class struggle in Europe.

Although in some countries Communist and left forces have a good level of consensus, Europe is still the continent where it is stronger and more entrenched neoliberal thinking.

In Italy, then, the Left forces are out of Parliament and class trade unions suffer a strong attack by government and owners.

The last State budget, which was recently approved in Italy, by right-wing government, contains numerous unpopular measures, but in the Country there was insufficient social mobilization.

In Europe at in particular in Spain, where the positive movement of “indignados” has produced major events, it seems that there is still a difficulty in settling social movements with workers movement. The same problem that there is in Italy, where a deep-rooted popular feeling against neoliberal policies resolves to attack politics in itself, uniting all political parties under the same banner of “they are all the same.” We call it “anti-politics”, which ends up favouring the right-wing government and the owners.

We need to reconstruct the European class-consciousness, a larger coordination of the communist forces and a better ability to strengthen social movements in each country.

It will be a very long and strenuous, the enemy, neoliberalism, it’s still very hard to defeat in Europe, in the word.

Thanks again for the opportunity and will do our best wishes for a future of prosperity, development and success.